01636 676107 info@ashfieldfes.co.uk

About Us


Barney and Fay Parker make a great husband and wife team! Both have been working in the farmed environment industry for 15 years. They have an in-depth understanding of fitting conservation into modern farming businesses; ensuring decisions made not only benefit the environment but are viable for the farm business too.

In 2011, after the demise of FWAG Barney and Fay decided to set up their own business; Ashfield Farmed Environment Services.

After both graduated in 2001 with honours degrees; Barney in Conservation and Countryside Management and Fay in Agriculture they both joined FWAG as Farm Conservation Advisers. Fay based in Lincolnshire and Barney based in Derbyshire.

Fay then moved to Brown & Co in 2006 to become an Environmental Consultant before leaving to work full time on the family farm in the Lincolnshire Wolds. During this time Barney became the East Midlands regional adviser for FWAG.

Fay Parker


Lincolnshire born and bred, Fay has grown up on a mixed farm in The Lincolnshire Wolds.

Her career has always had an agricultural side to it, learning many of the practicalities of farming from an early age. Fay went to Nottingham University Sutton Bonington Campus and studied Agriculture. After graduating with an Honours degree she worked back on the family farm before joining Lincolnshire FWAG in 2001.

During her time at FWAG her interest and knowledge in the environment blossomed. She became FACTS qualified in 2004, as well as meeting her now husband, Barney at FWAG. After 5 years at FWAG, Fay moved to Brown & Co as an Environmental Consultant, covering the East Midlands & successfully delivering environmental advice within all sectors of the industry, namely livestock, arable and horticulture. Fay also gained the BASIS Soil & Water Certificate and BASIS Foundation Award in Agronomy.

After a further 5 years at Brown & Co Fay was drawn back to the family farm while continuing to carry out environmental work on a self- employed basis. With the demise of FWAG in late 2011 Fay and Barney took the opportunity to form Ashfield Farmed Environment Services (AFES).

Barney Parker


Originally and still (just) from Nottinghamshire, Barney gained a First Class Honours Degree in Conservation & Countryside Management from Brackenhurst College in the county.

He then started an 11 year career with FWAG, working across the East Midlands region as a Farm   Conservation Adviser. This gave him a wide experience of farming types, from hill farming in the Derbyshire Peak District, across the spectrum to intensive veg production on the Fens.

Originally his specialism was habitat management and working up Stewardship schemes with farmers. In recent years, he has developed skills in resource protection issues, enabling him to deliver the range of advice which farmers across the East Midlands require.

Barney is FACTS trained and holds the BASIS Soil & Water Certificate and BASIS Foundation Award in Agronomy.

Barney currently runs The Wolds Facilitation Fund Group and The Heath Facilitation Fund Group.

Outside of work, Barney enjoys shooting and fishing. He has been known to offer special rates on farms offering exclusive fishing rights on remote fenland drains.

Contact Us

Please contact us if you require further information or would like a quote for any of our services.

1 Drove Lane
NG24 2RA

01636 676 107


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