01636 676107 info@ashfieldfes.co.uk

Basic Payment Scheme & Greening

We offer a full BPS/Greening service ensuring accuracy of submissions not only online but on the ground as well. Our services include:

  • Your eligibility for BPS payments
  • Which regulations affect you
  • Exemption from regulations
  • Meeting your Greening requirements and how this impacts on your current or future Stewardship agreement(s)
  • On line submission of the BPS application on your behalf
  • Dealing with any queries that arise from the RPA

Contact us for up to date information on BPS and to discuss your exact requirements.
Further guidance can be located on the Basic Payment Scheme pages on https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/basic-payment-scheme

1. Permanent grassland
The majority of farmers will not have to do anything different to meet this rule, which is broadly in 2 parts;

  • If the national resource of permanent grassland falls by more than 5% compared to baseline figures, farmers who have cultivated permanent grass may have to re-instate this. This situation is unlikely to occur in the immediate future.
  • If a farmer has permanent grassland covered by the Wild Birds & / or Habitats Directives, these can’t be ploughed up. Click here to see the areas covered by these rules.
2. Crop diversification
The so called ‘2 or 3 crop rule. This applies to farmers with 10 or more hectares of arable land, unless they qualify for an exemption.  
If your holding hasYou must grow;
Between 10ha & 30ha of arable landAt least 2 different crops on your arable land.
The largest crop must not cover more than 75% of arable land.
More than 30ha of arable landAt least 3 different crops on your arable land
The largest crop must not cover more than 75% of arable land.
The 2 largest crops must not cover more than 95% of arable land.
Exemptions may apply.
3. Ecological Focus Areas

Farmers with more than 15ha of arable land will need Ecological Focus Areas on their land. These will need to be equivalent to at least 5% of the total arable land declared. Farmers can chose from;

  • Buffer strips
  • Nitrogen fixing crops
  • Hedges
  • Catch / cover crops
  • Fallow land

There have been some changes to Buffer Strips and Catch/Cover Crops since 2015. Further guidance can be located on the ‘Greening: Ecological Focus Areas (EFAs) on arable land’ page on GOV.UK.

Contact Us

Please contact us if you require further information or would like a quote for any of our services. Ashfield 1 Drove Lane Coddington Newark NG24 2RA

01636 676 107


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