Cross Compliance Service
How would your farm fare if you received an RPA inspection tomorrow? Many of the common failure points during Cross Compliance inspections are environmental and are, in nearly every case, potentially avoidable.
Our Cross Compliance Support Service can be as simple as a desktop overview of all the environmental cross compliance issues such as NVZ compliance. If your farm requires a complete Cross Compliance overhaul, we can also do this; checking compliance with GAEC & SMR requirements.
In summary, we can provide;
Farm office checks of record keeping such as traceability records.
‘In field’ checks of Cross Compliance issues, such as 2m protection zones, rights of way & GAEC.
Nitrate Vulnerable Zones compliance. For this, we offer a separate service; click here for details.
Ongoing help with any of the record keeping requirements
We cannot ensure you are totally cross compliant; only the RPA can determine this. What we can do, however, is highlight any areas of obvious non- compliance and formulate an action plan to deal with them.
For a link to Cross Compliance inspections, click
Contact Us
Please contact us if you require further information or would like a quote for any of our services.
1 Drove Lane
NG24 2RA