01636 676107 info@ashfieldfes.co.uk


Stewardship Agreement Management


Most schemes require some help and advice in managing options during the lifetime of the agreement.

We can help you, from advising on establishment and management techniques, to sourcing contractors and seed mixes to help get the best from your agreement.

RPA inspections can result in heavy penalties if agreements are not managed and recorded as per the option prescriptions. You may like us to check on the current management and record keeping of your scheme options for peace of mind. We can discuss practical ways to best manage your agreement, including;


Help and advice on how derogation forms can be used to overcome problem issues.


Completion of Land Transfer & Amendment (LTA1) Forms and Minor Temporary Adjustment (MTA) Forms


Help and advice on keeping evidence to show you have carried out all the requirements of your agreement to support your claim or to support an inspection.


Guidance on how best to locate and manage land options that can deliver cost and environmental benefits to your farm.


A complete scheme management and record keeping package.

If your agreement requires you to undertake a management plan, we have experience in habitat maintenance, restoration and creation plans.

Some of our past management plans have included;


Wetland creation.


Parkland restoration.


Pond creation and restoration.


Species rich grassland creation and restoration.


Heathland creation and restoration.


Orchard restoration plans.


Woodland management plans.

Contact Us

Please contact us if you require further information or would like a quote for any of our services.

1 Drove Lane
NG24 2RA

01636 676 107


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